We got more comments about ways to change services for the better than any other topic. All kinds of suggestions were made, but many fell into four categories. In no particular order, they were:
Make accessing primary care easier, expanding capacity where necessary.
“GP is key to people’s satisfaction with NHS and it seems we have a mismatch between demand and capacity. Also people don’t like new booking systems which suggests debate or change needed.”
“What can be done to improve access to GPs and dental services reduce waiting times for appointments?”
“Look at ways to improve access to GP services or provide / promote alternative ways to access care. e.g. this couple spoke very highly of drop-in blood clinic at Chapel Allerton as an alternative to GP appointment.”
Find a way to accommodate people who want to be seen in person by services.
“Feedback was that online support not that helpful. But easy access and quick response very important.”
“Digital inclusion for school aged children. Ensure no children are left behind”
“Certainly need to get the balance between efficiency of phone work versus face to face.”
Identify gaps in staff training and make sure services feel well-staffed.
“Mental health training for reception staff and training on delivering a triage – particularly for individuals who have prior mental health struggles”
“Would like to see more nurses / less managers.”
Make fitness activities more affordable.
“Look at fitness facilities and how we enable access to those who are less confident in their abilities, or unable to afford fitness access”
“Improve access to exercise & community activities for working people on low wages.”
Here are a few of the other, very diverse ideas the decision-makers had during their Big Leeds Chats about how services could be changed for the better:
“Social work stability – young person with social worker who regularly changes so has to repeatedly start again in building relationships and trust”
“Serious look at NHS equipment reuse”
“Leeds Care record usage. Person held records and not repeating tests/assessments”